Transcripts of Luke’s English Podcast are written by listeners who collaborate by using google documents. This is the transcript collaboration project (or Orion Team) and it is a way to create a transcript library and also to help listeners to practise their English by transcribing.

You can see the scripts in three categories: finished (but need to be checked), unfinished (you can help to finish them) and published (finished, checked and published on the website). Here is a list of episodes with full transcripts already published.

If you would like to see the scripts, you can click the links below. If you want to join the Orion Team, please read all the information here before you start.

How the Transcript Collaboration works

  • First, Luke publishes an episode of the podcast.
  • Then, Antonio or Piotr creates a google document for that episode. (The google documents are open – anyone can access and edit the documents, you just need to be signed into a google account.)
  • In the document the episode is divided into 3 minute parts or ‘chunks’ (e.g. chunk 1 = 00:00:00 to 00:03:00, chunk 2 = 00:03:00 to 00:06:00 etc).
  • Listeners write their name next to a 3-minute chunk, and then start transcribing that short part of the podcast.
  • If the transcriber can’t identify something, he/she leaves a gap with a timecode, like this ______________ (00.35.20)
  • When the 3-minute chunk is finished, the transcriber writes Finished at the end of the chunk.
  • When the whole episode is transcribed, the script is added to the FINISHED folder.
  • Other listeners can proofread, correct or add missing words to any finished chunks.
  • You can access all the folders below.
  • Please read the RULES before you start (you can see them below).

Transcribing chunks is a great way to improve your English by listening intensively.

How to join the Orion Team and transcribe some chunks

  • You can simply add your name next to a free chunk in a google document and then start transcribing. That’s it! But please follow the rules (below).
  • There is an Orion Team email list so you can keep in touch with the team and get news of new episodes or finished scripts.
  • To join the team send an email to Piotr to ask for more information.
  • You can write: “Hi, I’d like to join the Orion Team. What should I do?”
  • Please make sure you have read the RULES before you start. You can read them below.



Google Documents for Transcripts (Click the buttons below)



Please follow these rules when transcribing:

  • Don’t edit other people’s writing without permission (that includes size of font, colour and every other properties of text).
  • You can leave comments in the google document – just ‘right-click’ and select comment. You don’t need permission to add a comment.
  • Before you start, make sure you put your name next to that chunk in the google doc.
  • If you can’t identify a word or phrase in an episode, leave a gap with a time code. E.g. _____________ [00:32:15] This will allow other listeners to help you by identifying the missing word using the time code.
  • Use Arial size 11, not bold.
  • Don’t type ‘gonna’ or ‘wanna’ – please type ‘going to’ and ‘want to’.
  • Don’t write down sounds which people make when they are pausing or deciding what to say next like “um”, “hm”, “erm” etc.
  • I will make text green after I have checked and corrected it. So any green text has been given The Luke Thompson seal of approval. :)
  • When you finish whole script:
    write [END] at the end of a Script.
    Write [finished] and the end of a chunk when it is ended.
    Write [not finished] if you are still working on it
  • If you only want to see the script but not edit, please change your mode to view mode. That prevents unwanted changes in scripts.

Introducing the Transcript Collaboration Managers – Piotr from Poland & Antonio from Spain

For any help, assistance or advice please contact Piotr by sending an e-mail to Also you can leave a comment below this page saying “I would like to join the transcription project” or write a question.

Advice for Transcribing

Slow down the audio to make it easier
If you’re listening to an episode while typing the transcripts (for example, on Windows Media Player), you can click the right button of your mouse, and follow instructions shown in the picture below. The episode will be played slower and it’ll be easier to make out individual words.

Transcribe in 3, 5, 10 or 15 minute chunks
It’s easier if you just transcribe a few minutes at a time. You don’t have to do the whole episode in one sitting, that’s too much work!

Download the episode and use a media player when transcribing
Download “Foobar2000” – It’s a good audio player for this kind of work

When you transcribe, you can use Foobar2000. It’s free, and it deals with big mp3 files perfectly. It also allows to you configure a number of hot-keys such as “play”, “pause”, “1/5/10 sec. back” which makes the transcriber’s life much, much easier.

Here’s a video tutorial by Piotr, explaining how to transcribe audio and video effectively with Foobar2000. These are some really simple but effective techniques for making your transcripts much easier. Thank you Piotr!