Phrasal Verb Episodes – Transcript Collaboration


Hi everyone, I have decided to set up a transcript collaboration for these phrasal verb episodes. This means that I am inviting you to write transcripts. Most of the episodes already have transcripts, but some don’t. Above you can find a link to a set of Google documents for episodes with no transcripts. To get started, just open a Google doc, listen to the audio for that episode (I recommend downloading first) and then try to type exactly what you hear. I’ll correct it later and add it to my website. It will be really useful for you, me and plenty of other people, so you will be doing a very good thing indeed!

The Benefit of Writing Transcripts
Writing transcripts is a great way of doing some focussed listening. It really trains your ears to identify each individual word, and it allows you to pick up new words that you didn’t even realise you were missing. These phrasal verb episodes are perfect for transcribing, because they’re not too long! Also, you can really help other listeners whose English is not at your level, and who need to read what I have said. The benefit for me is that I can offer more value through my website. So, everyone’s a winner baby, and that’s the truth!

There are some rules to to doing these transcriptions:

  • Don’t edit other people’s writing without permission.
  • When you start typing an extract, write the time-code for your extract (e.g. 2:14 – 6:20) – this will prevent people writing the same section.
  • When you have finished, please change the name of the document by adding ‘Finished’ (Google account is required) or send an email to Andrzej (Andrew) Kosmala, saying “I have finished transcribing #42” (for example)
  • Let’s use Arial size 11, not bold.
  • Don’t type ‘wanna’ or ‘gonna’ – write ‘want to’ or ‘am going to’.
  • When I have checked a transcript, and added it to the website, I will rename the document “Published”.

Here is the link to the Google documents:


Thank you! :)