85. A Stand-up Comedy Gig

Listen to one of Luke’s stand-up gigs. First I talk about stand-up comedy and tell you some common expressions to describe comedy performances (see below). Then listen to me describing how I feel before a comedy gig, then listen to a recording of a recent gig. Finally I describe how I feel after the gig.
There is some explicit content in this episode. Please don’t listen if you are offended easily.

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Here are some expressions I describe in the podcast
When a comedian has a bad performance and gets no laughs:
“He absolutely bombed last night” – to bomb
“He died on stage” – to die
“He died on his arse tonight” – to die on your arse
When a comedian is doing well
“He’s absolutely killing the audience” – he’s really making them laugh a lot
“This joke always kills” – the joke always gets a good laugh
The punchline – the line that gets the laugh / to punch someone (another meaning – to hit him in the face)

Here are some videos of my favourite stand-up comedians. Enjoy!!!

George Carlin talks about his ‘stuff’

Bill Bailey on Cockney musical influences in classical music


Eddie Izzard on learning French

Flight of the Conchords talk about the big issues


Louis CK talks about children and their secrets
