Hi listeners – this is just a 15 minute episode. I just want to have a quick word with you. The thing is, I’m worried about a few things and I wanted to talk to you about them. Have a listen to this episode or read the notes below. Let me know what you think about what I’m saying in the comment section. Thanks! Luke :)
OK, perhaps this episode should be called “Don’t worry, Luke!” Listen on and you’ll find out why.
Here’s a script (it’s not complete – I improvised a lot of this episode)
Hi, can I have a quick word?
“Can I have a quick word?” – that’s the sort of thing your boss might say to you when he wants to talk to you about something in private. “Luke, can I have a quick word? Step into my office. Close the door. Sit down.” etc…
Sometimes it feels serious or like bad news – it’s not, in this case.
I just wanted to tell you a few things.
I’ll be completely honest – I’m worried that in the next couple of weeks I’m going to upload too much content – and you won’t listen. I’m worried that I’ll upload too much stuff and because there will be so many episodes, you won’t listen to them. Like, it might be hard for you to keep up so you’ll get out of the habit of listening, you’ll fall behind and then you’ll give up and I’ll lose you forever. I don’t want that, do I?
Silly isn’t it? Maybe. I shouldn’t worry so much. I know you like the podcast. I get messages every day and the numbers are still going up all the time.
But I do worry that I’m going to post too many episodes, or they’ll be too long or the topics might not be that interesting for you. I suppose it means that I genuinely care about making my podcast good and popular, and I want it to be a success.
I’m saying this now because I’ve been very productive lately and I’ve got quite a few episodes to upload and I want to upload them quite quickly. Also, some of them are on quite specific topics and I’m slightly concerned they won’t be popular with everyone. Like if I upload too many episodes, too quickly and they’re long – you might look at them and think – ah, I can’t keep up! And then you won’t continue and I’ll kind of ‘lose’ you as a listener. I don’t want that of course.
But again, I shouldn’t worry, right? I should just chill out. You might be thinking “Just relax Luke – don’t worry. Upload all your content and we’ll listen to it when we have a chance. We appreciate all your work, we realise that you do this in your free time and you can’t upload episodes to a specific schedule – sometimes there are busy times, sometimes there are quiet times – no worries – just upload when you can, and anyway how could we complain about getting too many free episodes from you? You worry too much! Take it easy on yourself!”
OK, I will take it easy – thanks for saying that. I appreciate it.
Lots of new episodes are coming – be ready!
I’m probably going to upload about two episodes per week for a few weeks. I feel like I have lots of things to talk to you about and I’ve been very productive recently. Also, these episodes are quite topical – so I feel they need to go up soon. I don’t want to hold on to these episodes – I want them to be published as soon as possible.
Here are some of the episodes I’m planning to upload soon. All of these are subject to change of course – I might change my mind and do something completely different – so this is not a guarantee, more a general idea of what’s coming.
* A Skype call with a friend who knows everything about comic book characters. You’ll hear us talking about the characters with the aim of working out which one is the best.
* Another episode of Film Club with a review of the latest X-Men film. I enjoyed recording the review more than watching the film. A quick preview – I didn’t like it!
So, that’s two superhero episodes. I hope you don’t have superhero fatigue! That’s it for superhero stuff for a while I expect.
The UK’s referendum on the EU is coming soon and I’ll be covering the subject in several episodes, a bit like I did with the Scottish referendum a couple of years ago.
I’ve recorded a conversation with my Dad about the UK & the EU. That’ll be one podcast.
But the situation is so complicated and detailed that I feel I need to do a couple of episodes in order to explain the situation really clearly, with examples, vocabulary explanations and also my personal opinions. The EU referendum is such a big and important topic that I have to deal with it properly. That’s going to take more than just 1 episode.
So, expect a number of BREXIT episodes.
I recorded an episode with the PODPALS just the other day. In that one you’ll hear the results of the interactive lying game, and then we play another light-hearted speaking game. That was a lot of fun and so I’m rushing to get that one uploaded soon.
I also have loads of other episodes that I’ve been preparing or thinking about and that includes things that have been requested by listeners. I often get messages with episode requests. Often those requests are really excellent ideas and I have a few of those things in the pipeline. I can’t keep up with my own desire to record episodes. Quite honestly, if I could I would just spend all my time preparing, recording and uploading episodes of this podcast and everything else – but I can’t do that because a) I don’t have the time b) You wouldn’t have time to listen to all of that (I imagine).
So there you go! Lots of new stuff is coming.
Needless to say – I feel very lucky to have an amazing audience who listen to all of my output. I’m very glad if you enjoy these episodes and that they benefit your English a lot.
Take care!