The Episode 600 YouTube Live Stream will be on 7 June at 3PM Paris time. Links and details below (and a transcript).
Video version
Audio version
Episode 600 Live Stream link on YouTube
LEPsters meetup in Prague on 7 June at 5pm
Facebook link here
This short episode is a quick announcement about the episode 600 YouTube live stream, just to make sure everyone knows the details. I’m also going to talk briefly about some other little bits of news and things, including an upcoming LEP meetup.
This isn’t a full episode of the podcast. It’s just some news and announcements.
Episode 600 is approaching… It’s quite a big milestone for the podcast.
As you may know, I’m going to do a YouTube live stream while recording it. The aim of the live stream will be just to have some interaction with you while recording the episode, to let you ask me some questions, and to just celebrate 10 years and 600 episodes of the podcast.
I’ve already said this to you but I just want to make sure everyone knows the specifics.
The live stream is going to happen on my channel on YouTube on 7 June at 3PM Paris time (CET).
6AM on the west coast of the USA
8AM in Mexico City
9AM in New York
10AM in Rio de Janeiro
2PM in London
4pm in Moscow
4pm in Ankara
6.30pm in New Delhi
9pm in Shanghai
10pm in Tokyo
11pm in Sydney
1AM on the Saturday morning in Auckland
So there you go, if you’d like to join me, you can!
I know that some of you won’t be able to join me for various reasons (time zone issues, work, sleep) but you will be able to watch the video later – it’ll stay on YouTube (and hopefully I’ll put it in the LEP App too) and of course the audio of the whole thing will be published as episode 600.
The theme of the live stream and the episode is Ask Me Anything, so perhaps you can think of some questions you’d like to ask me, and it can be anything at all – questions about English or questions about anything else in particular. Obviously I reserve the right not to answer depending on the question!
I have no idea how many people will be attending the live stream – it could be a few, it could be a lot, but hopefully it’s going to be a fun way to celebrate 600 episodes and 10 years of Luke’s English Podcast.
How do you find the video?
The YouTube link is in the show notes for this episode, you’ll also find it pinned to the top of the comment section on my website, if you subscribe to my YouTube channel you’ll get a notification (my channel is Luke’s English Podcast on YouTube) and I’ll send you an email with the link nearer the time (you’ll need to be subscribed to the email mailing list on my website for that).
In other news…
LEPsters in or near Prague – LEPSTER MEETUP IN PRAGUE ON 7 JUNE AT 5PM
Zdenek Lukas is hosting a LEPster Meetup on 7 June (same day as the live stream) at 5pm in Bohemian Boards and Brews – that super cool looking board game cafe.
The plan is to get togehter with other LEPsters (non LEPsters are also welcome of course), speak English together, drink some beers or juice or tea or coffee or whatever you like, and have fun playing board games with like minded people.
If you’re in the area, why not join them? Maybe you could watch the live stream and afterwards, head down to the board game cafe to take part in the meetup.
All you need to do is mark on Facebook that you are going to the event. If you don’t have FB just send Zdenek an email at and simply say “Hi Zdenek, my name is xxx and I am coming to the meetup on 7 June!”
You’ll find the link for the event in the show notes for this episode, or just find the Prague LEPster Meetups page on Facebook by searching for (you guessed it) Prague LEPster Meetups!
If you want to set up a similar meetup in your area, I recommend that you find a suitable location, try to book it if you can, then let me know and I can announce it (hopefully). I won’t announce it unless you have specific information for me to announce – like a date, time and location of course!
Final bits of podcast news before we end this brief episode
I’ve got two free episodes of LEP to upload in the next week or so.
Today I’m talking to my Dad for another episode of The Rick Thompson report. I expect we’re going to talk about the usual topic of politics, and there’s quite a lot to talk about because the UK prime minister resigned last week, and we had the European elections – the results are in today showing big wins for the Brexit party – so what does this all mean for the future of the UK? I’m talking to my Dad about all of that later, and I’ll edit it together and upload it as soon as possible for episode 598.
Then episode 599 is going to come after that, obviously, because as we all know that is how numbers work.
Then, except for episode 600, my focus will be on producing and publishing a whole bunch of LEP Premium episodes, so the free podcast will probably be a bit quiet in June.
So, for the premium subscribers – brace yourselves, the next batch of premium episodes is coming, focusing on teaching you the English language in all its glory.
Obviously, you’ll need to be a premium subscriber to access all that content and you can get started by going to and follow the instructions that you see there.
In the meantime, I hope you like the next couple of episodes I publish and then you can join me for the episode 600 live stream. Think of some questions you can ask me and let’s have some fun celebrating episode 600.
As ever, thanks for listening! Bye!