This is just a quick “hello” and a chance for me to give you some information and make a couple of announcements. [Download]
Yes, my definition of ‘quick’ = over 20 minutes! ;)
Main Points
1. Please do enter my competition. I haven’t had as many entries as I expected. Only a few have come in – 7 to be exact, which is quite a surprise. Overall, my podcast was downloaded 12,000 times in the last 24 hours and the 200th episode has had almost 9,000 listens since I published it. Only a minuscule percentage of those who listened to the episode have actually entered the competition so far.
I expect that a lot of people are waiting until later in the month before sending me their entries, and that’s fine.
Encourage people to enter.
2. I’m uploading a lot of episodes at the moment, but things are going to quieten down as I’m going on holiday, and then I’ll be busy with 2 jobs (and more). So, I’m just uploading a lot now and you’ll be able to catch up with all these episodes in the quieter period which comes up in Autumn.
3. A Phrasal Verb a Day has a new location, and it hasn’t stopped. Click “A Phrasal Verb a Day” in the menu above to find out all the details.
4. Do visit (you’re already here!) – there’s lots of extra content there, including recent interviews I did on All Ears English and Zdenek’s English Podcast. There are also a couple of easter eggs on the site which not many people have found yet.
5. I hope Luke’s English Podcast is still one of your favourite podcasts and that you manage to keep up with all the episodes that I upload.
6. If you’re new to the podcast then I suggest that you investigate some of the older episodes. There’s some good stuff in there. From my stats I see that 29. Mystery Story/Narrative Tenses is one of the most popular episodes with new listeners. I listened back to it again recently and I am quite proud of that one! It ticks a lot of boxes – useful grammar, a (hopefully) entertaining little story, some sound effects. Lots of people find that one when searching on google and that’s their introduction to LEP. I wonder which episode you first discovered and how you discovered it?
7. Transcript Collaboration. More and more episodes are being transcribed all the time. It takes me quite a long time to proofread them and then add them to the website, but many episodes are now completed and are there for you to read. Visit the collaboration page. Episodes 1-30 are very well transcribed now, by a listener with very good English. It’s 99% perfect. Have a look. If you fancy transcribing some, you can just do 5 mins if you like – it’s good for your listening skills.
8. Don’t forget to visit the discussion forum and leave some comments there. People are talking about topics like their favourite songs in English, and sharing Skype details so they can practise their English by talking to each other.
That’s all I have to say. I just hope that LEP is all that you want it to be, that it helps you with your English and that you find it pleasant and enjoyable to listen to. Do tell your friends, do listen all the way to the end of each episode, do listen several times, do leave your comments on the website – it’s what I need to keep me going.
Thanks for listening. :)
p.s. As an ‘easter egg’ (admittedly quite an easy one to find) here is a video of me recording this episode. Watch until the end for a bonus ‘magic trick’ (oh wow, it’s so exciting).
p.s. I know the sound quality in the video is not as good as the sound quality in the audio episode. My video camera was recording sound from the small microphone attached to my t-shirt and unfortunately the level was set too high, but there’s nothing I can do about it now. Next time I’ll get it right!
The audio version of this episode was recorded through the microphone I was holding in my hand. That was attached to my Zoom H4N, which is becoming my favourite device for recording podcast episodes.