A pre-holiday ramble in which I talk about learning English, moving to a new flat, the podcast over the next few months, football, being on Other People’s Podcasts, a recording of my daughter speaking English and a couple of songs. Video version available.
Audio Version
Video Version
There’s no script for this episode. All I have is a list of one-word prompts to help me remember what I should be saying.
- YouTube
- Beard
- English
- Moving
- Holiday
- Premium
- Football
- Daughter
- Music
Luke on Other People’s Podcasts
The Level Up English Podcast with Michael Lavers
English 2.0 Podcast with Al Slagle
Glass Onion: On John Lennon by Antony Rotunno
Luke on the Stories of Language Learners Podcast
Luke on other podcasts (coming soon)
English with Rod https://www.youtube.com/user/robuca2011
The Clark and Miller Podcast https://www.clarkandmiller.com/english-podcast/
英文小宇宙 by Li Ping Chu & Nan Kun Wu (Translates as English Microcosm) https://apexenglishpodcast.podbean.com/ – a podcast for learners of English based in Taiwan